Conferencia de Entrada Libre y Gratuita, que tiene como objetivo `resentar y difundir los metodos de Construccion con materiales naturales.
Se difundirá el Video "Como construir una casa con materiales naturales", con la participación de Jorge Belanko, referente internacional de la bioconstrucción.
Luego se mostrara la construccion Natural realizada en la Biblioteca Almafuerte, con la participación de alumnos del Primer taller de Construccion natural realizado en 2010.
La presentación de la conferencia estará a cargo de Jorge Bastias Opazo y Patricio Beltrán, Coordinadores de Talleres de Construcción Natural en Bahía Blanca.
"En este video, el maestro Belanko, muestra la forma en que podemos ayudar a solucionar el problema social de la vivienda, tenemos todo, solo falta la sensibilidad de quienes deciden:" Jorge Bastias Opazo
Building with Earth From Cultural Heritage to Contemporary Architecture Professionals, Know-how and Techniques in Europe
On Wednesday, 4 and Thursday, May 5th, 2011, in Marseille (France)
Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Chamber of the Hotel of Region
(27, Place Jules Guesde - Marseille 2nd)
This symposium is organized by the Ecole d'Avignon and ICOMOS France, in partnership with the Escola Superior Gallaecia (PT), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (SP), the University of Florence (IT) and the Adviser in Architecture, Urban planning and Environment (CAUE) of Vaucluse (FR), in the framework of the European project Terra Incognita. Earthen architecture in Europe (Culture Programme 2007-2013). It receives the assistance of the Research Laboratory for Historical Monuments (LRMH) and the collaboration of the Confederation of artisans and small companies in the building trade (CAPEB).
We invite you to consult the programme of these days (see attached) and send your registration form before April 22, 2011, to Ms. Victoire DORISE, responsible for coordinating registration ( or fax: +33 (0)1 47 55 19 61).
The publications which will be presented at the occasion of the symposium are available to order. You can reserve them from now on by returning us the order form attached.
In the continuity of this event, you’re invited to participate to an important meeting dedicated to the launching of an European network for earthen architecture. This meeting is open to all individuals and institutions interested in the field and will be held on Friday, May 6th (10:00 am - 01:00 pm),at the Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (on registration, within the limits of the available places).
Message from,
Michel VAUZELLE, President of the Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur,
Pierre-Antoine GATIER, President of ICOMOS France,
Patrice MOROT-SIR, Directeur de l’Ecole d'Avignon,
Isabelle PALLOT-FROSSARD, Director of the Research Laboratory for Historical Monuments (LRMH).